First Chrysalides of 2018
Featured spring summer

First Chrysalides of 2018

Last I wrote I had 18 caterpillars. Unfortunately, one died during its first instar. Not sure why, as I have never had one die during this phase. Another one came very close. He/she was looking much smaller than the others and did not eat for a couple of days. I put the caterpillar in intensive care 🙂, in a container by itself, changed the milkweed from tropical to very small tender leaves from the top of a common milkweed plant. I also lightly sprayed the leaf each day with water as I have found when caterpillars don’t feel well, they seem to like to drink water.

I’ve read small caterpillar mouths can get glued shut from the milk from the milkweed. I don’t think this happens often and I d0n’t know if this was the case with this particular little cat but thought a little water couldn’t hurt. Within a couple of days the caterpillar was eating again, not a lot, but it was eating. He/she was still very small compared to its siblings who were already moving into their third instar. I continued to change the leaves each day and the little one started coming around. In fact, this one is the only caterpillar left from the first 17 eggs that has not yet turned into a chrysalide. He/she is at the top of the cage today and I believe it will be “J” hanging by tomorrow, moving into its chrysalide state in the next day or two.

The picture to the left is what is called “J” hanging. When monarchs are getting ready to move into their chrysalide phase, they will usually try to crawl away from their milkweed plants to find a place to make their little silk button from which they will attach their rear and “J” hang. They stay in this position for about 24 hours. They will no longer need their skin and will shed it as they turn into a chrysalide. This little guy decided to make his silk button underneath a milkweed leaf, probably because the top already had 10 caterpillars jockying for their own position to hang.

I saw two monarchs flying around my milkweed today, hopefully I’ll have another set of little eggs soon!

Till next time-